(Click photo for an important Public Service Announcement)

About me

In 2020, we were looking to move from our apartment in Northeast Minneapolis & find a place to start a family. We hoped to find a community that we could grow in. Somewhere fun, lively, but also had the feeling of a small town. Robbinsdale was the perfect mix of everything we hoped to find. We enjoy being able to involved in the hustle & bustle, but still return to a nice quiet & safe neighborhood.

We now have two children, plus our cat & dog. We enjoy our walks around town, including to 'Main Street’ & supporting our local small businesses.

I personally am an avid user of our local parks, trails, & lakes. I am also a local small business owner, specializing in Investment Real Estate services across the Twin Cities metro area.

I am an active member of the Robbinsdale Chamber of Commerce, as well as the NE Minneapolis Italian Amercian Club non-profit.

Key initiatives

  • Electric Rapid Busses on Bottineau Boulevard instead of rail

  • Update & enhance all pedestrian crossings along Bottineau Boulevard to improve the pedestrian experience for walkers & cyclists, better connecting both sides of ‘town’

  • Increase the promotion of downtown Robbinsdale through new events, creating more organic community engagement for residents

  • Continue Robbinsdale’s redevelopment based upon the strong small business fundamentals which have already been well established & preserved

  • Invest in & continue to enhance our public spaces, parks, trails, & their overall connectivity

  • Encourage more community engagement from all members, and continue to build upon on Robbinsdale’s most guiding asset; our social diversity

  • Support local initiatives & officials who provide Robbinsdale residents with ongoing Public Safety

These are some of my core initiatives in representation of my fellow Ward 2 neighbors & the City of Robbinsdale. I look forward to hearing feedback on these & other initiatives, during this campaign.

These are some of my core initiatives in representation of my fellow Ward 2 neighbors & the City of Robbinsdale. I look forward to hearing feedback on these & other initiatives during this campaign.

I greatly appreciate your vote on Tuesday, August 13th!

I greatly appreciate your vote on Tuesday,
August 13th!

Here for Robbinsdale,
here for you